Young Wizards on the “Mark Reads” list

It’s a great pleasure to pass along confirmation that the Young Wizards series has made the Mark Reads reading list. Mark mentions in the comments that the series is one of the most requested over the last two years.

Additionally, Mark has kindly agreed to participate in a “stretch goal” for CrossingsCon. Read more about it at their Tumblr.

“A Wizard of Mars” banned in Texas

DD was more than a little surprised the other week to discover that A Wizard of Mars had been banned in Texas.

It’s hard to know what the protocol for something like this is, so the Ebooks Direct store has declared a sale.

Until further notice, you can have the complete 9-volume set of the revised and updated New Millennium Editions of the Young Wizards series for $27.99. It’s quite a bargain when the discounted price means you’re paying less than USD $3.00 per ebook.

No need to worry about using discount codes — the package price has already been discounted for your convenience.

We haven’t decided yet how long this offer is going to last, so if you’re interested, please stop in and grab your set quickly! Who knows, the school in question might unban the book all of a sudden*, and we’d have no excuse to keep this offer running.

So act now!


*But we’re not betting on it.

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